Saturday, June 14, 2008

Is Your Rabbit Green? A Safe Sex-Toy Guide

With the advent of the current green trend, did you ever wonder about the toxins in your sex toys? By the way, I'm hoping that this is not merely an organic trend or the politically correct way to be right now, but rather the new and only way for our future world. It is crucial that we all become aware of ways to save our beautiful planet earth, and keep ourselves safe and healthy as well.

So then, what of this current awareness of toxic sex toys? Well, it seems that many popular erotic toys are made of polyvinyl chlorides (PVC) , plastics long decried by eco-activists for the toxins released during their manufacture and disposal. These plastics are softened with phythalates, a controversial family of chemicals. These include the inviting soft "jelly" or "cyberskin" sex toy items that have become so popular in the last few decades.

Although the earlier models, such as the infamous "Rabbit" were made with PVC plastics, it was difficult for many of the larger stores to carry plenty of items and yet avoid PVC. It was ultimately cheaper and the educated consumer had yet to reach the awareness plateau that exists today of green products, ie. soaps, detergents, linens, sheets, foods, and yes, sex toys!

Most have tried a sex toy once or twice. That great smell of your brand new plastic toy is basically the new toy "off-gassing", meaning it's releasing VOC's into the environment. The problem with VOCs? Organic compounds are the basis of all living things and contain carbon as their principal element. VOCs, in contrast, are chemical compounds that vaporize at room temperature.

They are suspected carcinogens, meaning that they can cause cancer when you breath them in. So consider what damage you can be doing when you put these "safe" plastic sex toys in your "vajayjay"... as Oprah would say!

Even scarier, sex toys are unregulated, meaning that there are no guidelines for manufacturing, no requirements to disclose what materials are involved in manufacturing and no regulatory body that governs what plastics and chemicals are used.

With all the recent press highlighting the indiscretions and backstabbing policies of Big Business and the banking world, do you really expect your sex toy company to be a bunch of angels?
This all means that you must become an educated consumer. This includes investigating, reading, and knowing what you put on or in your body, from food to sex toys!

Also, an important note. We all need to push for regulatory action on the hazardous chemicals in all consumer products. A funny thing, these chemicals like phythalates, which were recently banned by the government in the children's toys , are yet still a problem in our adult toys.

Finally, after much research, we were able to find several 100% organic products with five star ratings such as The Rosebud and The Rabbit Habit (not to be confused with The Rabbit). We found a store with an excellent selection of these and other toys and adult novelty products called Eden Fantasies.

Simply click on the banner on the upper-right hand side of this blog. At checkout enter coupon code "SAVE10" for a 10% discount. This is a very trusted firm.

Dr. Krieger, PhD is known as America's 2nd Favorite Sexologist and runs a
thriving practice in Boca Raton, Fl. She offers phone therapy worldwide as well.

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Anonymous said...

Dear Dr. Krieger,

I have been following your blog for a month or so now (found it on Yahoo!) Is it new? You seem to know your business so am guessing you have been doing this awhile. I want to thank you for this latest blog on organic sex toys. I am from a small town in Alabama, where, though I know most women have vibrators of different kinds, sizes, shapes and such, I was not aware of the health hazards of them. I have been enjoying an older style one for many years, and it works well. I could not say in my town, what I am saying here, even though it is kinda hypocrytical as most of the women here, married or not, have one, even if hidden away. One of my closest friends, since elementary school, has a macho husband who almost hit her when finding out she had been using one. He felt he was in competition with it. It is not something southern men seem to understand. Am I not correct in stating that women are not that much different than men.
We are sexual animals as well. Sometimes our husbands are away. Sometimes not in the mood. Sometimes are in the mood and cannot perform. Mine can be selfish and when he cannot perform and I am in the mood, he walks away depressed. Maybe that is my fault n a way. I have never explained to him that that is okay, there are other ways we can experiment with our sexuality rather than only intercourse. I believe a good vibrator can actually help a marriage in that I love my husband, and of course I am attracted to other younger men that show interest, but I have no intention of wandering. And one of the reasons is that I am too old (44) to have sex for sex sake (even with George Clooney..not that he has asked), but I would not cheat on my husband and vice versa. How can I communicate to him that if he is in the mood, and cannot perform, and he is two years younger than me and his impotence is only sometimes, that oral sex, hand stimulation, etc mutually can be rewarding as well? As a southern belle (and real DAR), I was not brought up to talk like that, but I think it is an important thing to discuss since sex is an important part of a love relationship. By the way, I threw my long time friend, the vibrator in the garbage and found a natural one I am ordering tomorrow on the Internet. Thank you a million times for that lifesaving advice. Please dont tell my neighbors though. I just wish I could tell my friends in this tiny hamlet...they all have one, but if I brought it up, I would be banished forever. Things change slowly in some places. I admire your words of wisdom.

Cynthia in very small town Alabama

Anonymous said...

My Girlfriend and I like to use lubricants and cremes. How do we know which ones are safe or not?

Antoine in Bismark, ND

Anonymous said...

Hi Dr. Arlene

Great article. Thanks!

I was raised Catholic and brought up to believe masturbation was a sin. Now at 53, and a masters degree behind my belt, I've learned a bit. Still Catholic but don't buy all the ancient b.s. (like that).

I have been thinking about sex toys as, I am "easy to climax" but don't get a lot of joy with hand stimulation (at least not my own) and I'm divorced and not dating (another mortal sin I guess), but I still have a little bit of guilt in indulging (and paying a hefty price) for something that gives me sexual pleasure. Maybe its mental.

Maybe I am not supposed to enjoy sex alone. I'd prefer a man (who loves me..don't do dating for sex or one night stands), but would rather have a toy than most the crud (men who just want sex). What do you think? I am in conflict.

Lonely Catholic in San Juan, PR

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr. Arlene,

I am a straight 21 year old female living near Kingston, Jamaica. I like men, but none can please me as well as I can myself. A therapist told me I needed to communicate what makes me feel good during sex. I tried this twice and both looked at me like I was some kind of lady of the night. I don't use toys, but it is because I am not familiar with them; but, have heard they can produce a stronger orgasm than with my hand. But I'd prefer a man who will just listen to me as to what I like. I like foreplay, licking, kissing and things, but they all want to just stick it in and get it over with. I'm a good looking woman educated professional woman. I get a lot of offers. I don't want that. I want a real lover, not a f**ker who just wants to get some and that is it.
I don't want to be doomed to a life of just playing with myself but that is how it looks. Any advice?

Amber from The Blue Ocean Island

Anonymous said...

To Antoine:

Please do some research on the internet, in order to find lubricants or creams that would be considered non-toxic. With the news of chemicals in many of the products consumers are using, it always the most healthy to be an educated consumer. Look for products without chemicals, the product will most always state on the label that it is FREE of toxic ingredients and "organic."

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr. Kriger,

Great blog!!!!!

I live in the big apple. Some might think that is glamorous. It suks.
Men here are insane. They wouldn't know love if it smacked them in the face. I used to model; so I learned early what most of them want. Where are the men who know how to love?

I can't belieive it is like that everywhere. I imagine there is a romantic man that loves sex, AND knows how to treat a woman with love and respect.

Every one of them, and I mean every, just want in my pants and gone. It's like they are doing me a favor. Big favor.

Until I find Mr. Right, I'm sticking to my vibrator, even the poison one. It's less dangerous to what the crazy "one-night-stand" man or one who doesn't understand loyalty from a good woman does to you.

But, I am glad there are organics out there. That will be my next buy.

Frustrated Manhattanite

Anonymous said...

To Lonely Catholic in San Juan:

Of course you are supposed to enjoy sex. You state that you "don't buy all of the ancient stuff." Well then, isn't it time you arrive in the 21st century. With all of the health concerns and risky sexual mores of today, having a little R & R with your organic (make sure you don't buy the old fashioned PVC type)toys, are nothing to be ashamed of. Many women cannot orgasm without the use of a vibrator. It adds the extra stimulation to the clitoris, that is difficult for some women to maintain flying solo.
Relax and enjoy...its healthy for you too, producing hormones and endorphins that keep you young!!!!

Anonymous said...

To Amber:

If when trying to communicate your needs to your partner, and you get a response like that...its time for that guy to "hit the road jack." There truly are lots of good men out there, you just have to be selective and know what you're looking for. Its all too easy to let the wrong guy in when you're lonely. So in the meantime, until that karmic day appears and you meet that one special guy, you should feel no guilt about self-indulging. Many women prefer sex-toys as it is difficult for most to achieve orgasm flying solo. Vibrators, when utilized with fantasy, can produce the results of not only the big O...but also releasing endorphines that are good for your health and body. P.S.
great stress reducer...
Also: Please follow your heart, and don't settle for anyone less than what you know you deserve.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dr Arlene,

I had always had a bit of guilt
about self-gratification; I
am grateful for your response.
I will follow your blog. Good
info here.

Chloe (Lonely In San Juan)

Anonymous said...

I have an old fashioned rabbit. Not throwing it out. My boyfriend lovvves it...ogasms ten times the intensity. Loved the article. Thanks.

Sally M
Somewhere in Alaska

Unknown said...

Good point there., Before we buy sex toys, we check it first if the toy we buy is safe from toxic chemicals because that put our health in danger.
Vibrating Toys

Anonymous said...

This article is great informing people that love sex toys to be more aware in buying sex toys. Thanks for your post. I personally don't want to endanger my health by using sex toys that is made of harmful chemicals.

Anonymous said...

It is really a great blog,Adults must be aware of using a sex toys. Simply by reading the product content, making sure that the product is safe to use for you and your partner.